Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans)
What does an EHC plan include?
The SEND Code of Practice says that EHC Plans should:
- be based on decisions made openly, and with parents, children and young people
- describe what the child or young person can do
- be clear, concise, understandable, and accessible
- consider how best to achieve the outcomes for the child or young person. They must take into account the evidence from the EHC needs assessment
- specify clear outcomes
- consider alternative ways of providing support if a parent or young person wishes it; this could include having a Personal Budget
- show how education, health and care provision will be co-ordinated
- be forward looking – for example, anticipating, planning and commissioning for important transition points in a child or young person’s life
- describe how informal support, as well as formal support, from statutory agencies can help in achieving agreed outcomes
- have a review date
There is a full list of principles and requirements in the SEND Code of Practice, Section 9.61.
Every EHC Plan must include at least 12 sections, but each Local Authority can decide how to set these out.
The sections are:
A: The views, interests and aspirations of you and your child or the young person
B: Your child’s or young person’s special educational needs
C: Health needs related to their SEN or to a disability
D: Social care needs related to their SEN or to a disability
E: Planned outcomes for your child or the young person
F: Special educational provision. Provision must be specified for each, and every, need shown in section B
G: Any health provision required that is related to their SEN or to a disability
H1: Any social care provision that must be made for your child or young person under 18
H2: Any other social care provision required that is related to their SEN or to a disability
I: The name and type of the school, maintained nursery school, post-16 institution or other institution to be attended
J: Details of how any personal budget will support outcomes and the provision it will be used for
K: The advice and information gathered during the EHC needs assessment
Where the child or young person is in or beyond year 9, the EHC Plan must also include the provision required by your child or young person to help prepare for adulthood and independent living.
You can read the full list of what must be included in each section in the SEND Code of Practice, Sections 9.62 and 9.63.
You can find a detailed checklist covering each of these sections by visiting