When requested, Rotherham SENDIASS can offer free training sessions on different SEND related topics to groups of Parents/Carers or Young People, Early Years settings, Schools, Colleges and other post 16 settings, and services. We currently have the following training packages available for practitioners;
- Legislation and the EHC Process
- Mediation and Tribunal
- SEND Support, EHC and rights of appeal
- What is SENDIASS
And the following workshops available for parents and young people;
- EHC Needs Assessment and Draft EHC Plans
- Permanent Exclusions
- Reviewing an EHC Plan
- SEND Support in Mainstream Schools.
If you would like to arrange a group SENDIASS training session on any of the above topics, please contact us on 01709 823627 leaving your name, contact details, what group you represent (including an estimated number of participants and venue), and which training you would be interested in, and we will get back to you within 5 working days to discuss details. Alternatively, you can Contact Us.