Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans)
Will there be a review of the EHC plan?
Will there be a review of the EHC plan?
The Local Authority must review the EHC Plan at least once every 12 months. This must be done in partnership with you and your child or the young person, and must take account of your views, wishes and feelings.
The Local Authority must decide whether to keep the Plan as it is, make changes, or cease to maintain it within four weeks of the review meeting. You have a right of appeal if the Local Authority proposes to cease the EHC Plan.
For some young people, an EHC Plan will continue until they are 25. However, the Plan will stop if the young person:
- goes to university
- gets a job
- tells their Local Authority they no longer want their EHC Plan, or
- no longer needs special help and the Local Authority decides that the EHC Plan should cease.
You can find out more about reviews of EHC Plans on the Rotherham Local Offer.
Where does the funding come from?
The Local Authority is responsible for ensuring that the special educational needs set out in the EHC Plan are met and that the special educational provision is made, whatever their funding arrangements or agreements with other service providers.
All young people with an EHC Plan and all parents of children with an EHC Plan can ask for a Personal Budget. The SEND Code of Practice says:
A Personal Budget is an amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver provision set out in an EHC plan where the parent or young person is involved in securing that provision. (9.95)
Sections 9.110 to 9.118 of the SEND Code of Practice tell you more about what can be included in a Personal Budget.
Rotherham SENDIASS can give you more information on local funding arrangements and on Personal Budgets, including Direct Payments.