Funding for special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools
Who manages school SEN resources?
The SEND Code of Practice says:
It is for schools, as part of their normal budget planning, to determine their approach to using their resources to support the progress of pupils with SEN. The SENCO, headteacher and governing body or proprietor should establish a clear picture of the resources that are available to the school. They should consider their strategic approach to meeting SEN in the context of the total resources available, including any resources targeted at groups particular, such as the pupil premium. (6.97)
School governors are responsible for the school’s policy on SEN. The Headteacher and the SENCO ensure that the policy is put into practice. The SENCO organises support for individual children, but every teacher is responsible for making sure that each child’s special educational needs are met in the classroom.
The SEN Information Report on the school’s website tells you more about the arrangements for SEN support and how to contact the SENCO.
How can I find out what support and resources my child is getting?
The first step is to talk with your child’s teacher or the SENCO. This may be at a parents’ evening, a Support Plan meeting, or a review. You can ask for a written copy of any Support Plan in place for your child.
If your child has an Education, Health, and Care Plan it must set out the support and resources that must be provided.
Where can I get further information, advice, or support?
Look for the SEN Information Report on the school website.
The Local Offer is the place to find out about services available locally and the arrangements that schools and others are expected to make for children and young people with SEN.
Rotherham SENDIASS can also give you:
- more information about SEN support and funding
- advice about what to do if you are not happy with the support your school is providing
- information about other organisations, support groups and information services that could help
- information and advice about your rights to request an EHC needs assessment if your child might need more than the school can provide.