Parents / carers Toolbox
EHC assessment, Plan & Review toolbox
- Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment
- Education, Health and Care Plans
- Personal Budgets for special educational needs
- IPSEA model letter: Responding to a draft EHC plan
- Reviewing an Education, Health and Care Plan
- What to do when you receive your draft EHC plan
An application for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment can be made on the EHC Hub or in writing to the EHC Assessment Team (Kimberworth Place, Kimberworth Rd, Kimberworth, Rotherham, S61 1HE /,, If you wish to make the request in writing please see IPSEA’s template letter which you may find helpful. Prior to making a request for assessment please read through our factsheets about the assessment and EHC plan, along with the one on SEN Support and Funding which shared information on the support available without an EHC plan where this is appropriate.
- Documenting parent/carer views for EHC Plan Review
- IPSEA model letter: Asking for an early review of an EHC Plan
- IPSEA model letter: Complaining when the local authority has not completed an annual review of an EHC plan