Transport to school
Suitability of Travel Arrangements
Travel arrangements which could be made by the LA include:-
- Provision of a pass for public transport e.g. zero fare bus pass
- Provision of a seat on a bus or minibus provided by the LA
- A seat in a taxi
Providing the relevant parental consent has been give the LA may also make other arrangements such as:-
- Paying a mileage allowance to a parent for driving their child
- A cycling allowance for the child to cycle a reasonable journey e.g. 3 miles
- The LA arranging a suitable escort to enable a child with SEN e.g. to walk a short distance to school in reasonable safety or catch a local bus instead of making arrangements for a taxi
The arrangements should enable the child to travel in reasonable safety and comfort, and without undue stress, strain or difficulty, so that wherever possible they arrive in school ready to learn.